The geemap Python package was created to fill this gap. Compared with the comprehensive documentation and interactive IDE (i.e., GEE JavaScript Code Editor) of the GEE JavaScript API, the GEE Python API has relatively little documentation and limited functionality for visualizing results interactively.

GEE provides both JavaScript and Python APIs for making computational requests to the Earth Engine servers.

During the past few years, GEE has become very popular in the geospatial community and it has empowered numerous environmental applications at local, regional, and global scales. Geemap is a Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine (GEE), which is a cloud computing platform with a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets. 80NSSC22K1742 issued through the Open Source Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries 2020 Program.

Now Google has released Google Earth Pro for free to public and now anyone can use the Pro version without purchasing any license key. It comes in 2 versions: Free version with limited functionality and Pro version with extra features and commercial use. Google Earth is a geographical information program which shows a virtual map view of Earth using images obtained from satellites and other sources. The Pro version of Google Earth which used to cost $399 per year, is now available absolutely free for everyone. If you use Google Earth free version, here is a good news for you.